...details that make a difference

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Part 2: Go Natural with Garnishes

Often times I find that people think garnishing is all there is to plate presentation. Garnishing is a nice decorative feature but it is a small part of the whole concept. The key to selecting a garnish is picking one that will improve the dish. Garnishes add color and continue a theme, such as a brightly colored orchid on top of passion fruit crème brule, chives on top of a baked potato, or toasted nuts enhance a dish’s flavor. These all add visual, color and flavor notes the compliment the main item.

Spears of lightly cooked asparagus, slices of sweet starfruit, or small fans of fruits such as strawberries and vegetables like cucumber, pineapple, citrus, or kiwi bring elegance and nutrients to any plate. A fresh vegetable salad with carrot curls simply made with vegetable peeler or fresh chopped herbs sprinkled around the plate add flavor and color that can instantly perk up a dish. An entrée’s sauce also makes a delicious garnish. Swirl it around or drizzle it on top of the plate for interest. If a recipe includes an herb like rosemary or oregano feel free to add a small sprig of the same herb to the side of the plate. This addition of green adds nice color and is visually appealing. Be sure to keep it small so it does not overpower the main ingredients. Remember the garnish is a flavor cue not the main attraction so keep it simple.

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