...details that make a difference

Friday, February 15, 2013

Food Stylist Secrets: How Much Grocery Do You Need?

"You need how many cases!?"

Don't be alarmed when your stylist asks for what may seem like a ridiculous amount of product.  This may not always be the case, but if the product being shot is fragile, or has ice cream or melted cheese, a few extra would not hurt.  Remember, the photo you are creating will serve your company for a long time - start with the right product and enough of it to get the best results!

8 carts of groceries for a live television segment, don't worry it is not usually so much

It often benefits to get a bit extra product because it can get damaged in shipping, or we need to sort through and find the perfect shape and size of a particular item.  Also keep storage in mind when ordering product. You want to be able to keep it fresh and stored properly for the best results.  Consult with your stylist about ordering product. He or she will be able to help gauge what is an appropriate amount.  If possible it may be beneficial to have the product shipped in component pieces.

Example: Pizza
Purchase blank crusts or dough, then the correct amount and type of sauce, cheese and toppings can be assembled in the studio for the perfect shot!

The amount of product needed can also be dependent on how the photo is going to be set up.  Here are some situations that can affect the amount of product ordered:

* If someone will be eating it
* If a scoop or slice will be taken out
* If the project is more recipe-focused rather than as an individual product

In some of these situations, the stylist will buy for roughly three times the recipe - one set for practice and to learn about how to best handle the food, one for the photographer to get the lighting on set correct for the shot, then one for the final perfect beauty shot.

Again, there are many variables that can factor in with how much product to order.  Consult with your stylist before the shoot to make sure you can get the right foods for the job!

If you are looking for a food stylist, please contact Impressions Food Styling at (612) 636-1994 or visit http://impressionsfoodstyling.com.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Make Something Sweet

I am getting ready for Valentines day and I just had to share one of my favorite dessert recipes with you. It is easy, decadent and can be made in advance. I thought it may inspire you to do something a little extra sweet for someone special in your life. 

These are sure to delight your guests and make you look like a star in the kitchen.They fit everything from casual events with children to sophisticated dinner parties. With only five ingredients these are my signature go-to dessert. Make it a special day with chocolate.   Enjoy!
 Molten Lava Cakes

 Prep: 15 min             
Bake: 10-15 min        
Serves: 6-10

6 oz bittersweet or semisweet baking chocolate
10 Tablespoons butter
½ cup powdered sugar
¼ cup all-purpose flour
3 whole eggs
3 egg yolks

Grease: 6 (6 oz) custard cups or 10 (4 oz) custard cups
Place chocolate and butter in a large microwavable bowl. Heat in 30 sec intervals until butter is melted; stir occasionally to melt chocolate completely. Add powdered sugar and flour, then mix well. Add whole eggs and yolks, then stir with a whisk until well combined. Divide batter evenly among prepared cups.

Bake at 425 degrees F for 9-10 min for 4 oz cups or 14-15 min for 6 oz cups. Cakes should be firm around the edges, but soft in the center. Let stand for 1 min. Run a small knife around the edges to loosen. Carefully turn the cups upside down onto dessert plates; garnish as you desire and serve immediately.

Note: The batter can be made a day ahead and poured into prepared cups. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate. When ready to serve allow to come to room temperature uncover and bake as directed.

P.S. The secret to this recipe is not to tell anyone you are making Molten Chocolate Cakes in the odd chance that you may over bake them no worries, your guests won't know and you will still serve them delicious individual chocolate cakes.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fighting with Frozen Foods

This past weekend I came home to my fiancé Joey trying to make himself lunch. He found some soup in the freezer but was hungry now and just could not wait a minute longer for it to thaw. He knows that when things are smaller they will melt faster. So, he had the great idea to cut the soup in half! As I see him sawing away at the frozen solid soup I could not contain my laugher. 

Don't get stuck fighting with your food. Here is a simple way to freeze soup and have it ready at a moment notice.

My love attempting to "cut" soup with a knife
 When you have extra soup portion it out into individual servings. I like to use a 1 1/2 cup liquid measuring cup to get the same amounts. Then pour the soup into a freezer zip top bag. Be sure that you completely seal the bag. Then lay it flat on a cookie sheet. Repeat this step with the remaining soup then place the cookie sheet in the freezer until the bags have all frozen solid. At that point you can remove the cookie sheet and stack the bags in the corner of the freezer. This way they will take up less space and thaw quickly.
A stack of frozen soups
When you are ready to eat remove the package from the freezer. In the sink, run the frozen bag under hot water just until it is slightly thawed, enough to be able to break the flat disk of soup in half. Open the bag and put the frozen chunks in a soup pot. Heat the soup over low to medium heat stirring occasionally until it is heated through.
Keep warm this winter with a delicious soup. What is your favorite kind of soup?